Espresso with Custom KeyboardView button press

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Espresso with Custom KeyboardView button press

I am implementing a custom KeyboardView in my app and it's all working at the moment, however, when I attempt to press a key on the keyboard using Espresso ViewAction, I am getting an exception saying:
Error performing 'single click - At Coordinates: 1070, 2809 and
precision: 16, 16' on view 'with id:'.

The code throwing the exception is:

fun enter100AsPriceShouldDisplay120ForA20PercentTip(){
.perform(typeText("100"), closeSoftKeyboard())
val appContext = InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext()
val displayMetrics = appContext.resources.displayMetrics
onView(withId( - 10, displayMetrics.heightPixels - 10))

and the click XY function which came from this post

private fun clickXY(x: Int, y: Int): ViewAction {
return GeneralClickAction(
CoordinatesProvider { view ->
val screenPos = IntArray(2)

val screenX = (screenPos[0] + x).toFloat()
val screenY = (screenPos[1] + y).toFloat()

floatArrayOf(screenX, screenY)
Press.FINGER, 0, 0)

Here is my keyboard layout (pinned to the bottom of the screen inside a ConstraintLayout):

enter image description here

Does anyone know why? Any help is appreciated.

1 Answer

Answering my own question after determining a flexible solution:




So I tried again,






the math:


So enough explanation, here is the code:

fun enter100AsPriceShouldDisplay120ForA20PercentTip() {
.perform(typeText("100"), closeSoftKeyboard())

// call the function to get the targets
val (viewTargetY, viewTargetX) = getTargetXAndY()

// perform the action
onView(withId(, viewTargetY))
onView(withText("Tip: $20.00")).check(matches(isDisplayed()))
onView(withText("Total: $120.00")).check(matches(isDisplayed()))

and the helper method with all the math:

private fun getTargetXAndY(): Pair<Int, Double> {
var viewHeight = 0
var viewWidth = 0
var viewPosX = 0F
val viewMatcher = onView(withId(
viewMatcher.check { view, _ ->
viewWidth = view.width
viewHeight = view.height
viewPosX = view.x

val keyboardKeyWidthPercent = 0.333
val keyboardRowsCount = 3

val keyboardButtonWidthQuarter = (viewWidth * keyboardKeyWidthPercent) / 4
val keyboardButtonHeightHalf = (viewHeight / keyboardRowsCount) / 2

val viewTargetY = viewHeight - keyboardButtonHeightHalf
val viewTargetX = (viewPosX + viewWidth) - keyboardButtonWidthQuarter
return Pair(viewTargetY, viewTargetX)

Now, the click is not perfectly centered but it clicks the button pretty close to the center.

I hope this helps someone else! Good luck and Happy coding!

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