PipEnv: How to handle locally installed .whl packages

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PipEnv: How to handle locally installed .whl packages

I'm using PipEnv to set up a project, and some packages I'm needing to install from precompiled binaries. In a previous project I just pipenv installed the .whl files from some local folder into my environment, but this seems to cause issues with the lock file throwing an error if someone else tries to install from the repository since the pipfile tracks the local path. What are best practices for this? Should I create a packages repository as part of the project and install from that?

Why not set up a private PyPI index to serve those wheels?
– Martijn Pieters

@MartijnPieters, I think this could reasonably be a viable solution, especially if I was creating these .whl files myself. But given that I'm working with packages that are already published (and downloaded from this wonderful resource), it feels unnecessary to create a wrapper repository. What would the benefits of this be compared to storing the .whl files in the project itself?
– Brendan

That wonderful resource does not provide a PyPI compatible index. Defining your own index would save everyone from having to download the wheels manually.
– Martijn Pieters

And if you are working with team members that do not use Windows, you can save those members from having to download your wheel files entirely.
– Martijn Pieters

Ah, alternative: install the direct URL for the wheel.
– Martijn Pieters

1 Answer

You should set up a private PyPI index server, and configure Pipenv to use that server.

Setting up a private PyPI server is trivial with a project like pypiserver:


$ mkdir private_pypi && cd mkdir private_pypi
$ pipenv install # create pipenv files
$ pipenv install pypiserver
$ mkdir packages
$ pipenv run pypi-server -p 8080 ./packages &

and put your wheels into their projectname subdirectry of the packages directory, or use twine to publish your package to the server.




Then add a [[source]] section in your projects Pipfile to points to the server (the url to use ends in /simple, so http://hostname:8080/simple):





url = "http://hostname:8080/simple"
verify_ssl = false
name = "some_logical_name"

You can use the default name = "pypi" section as a guide.

name = "pypi"

In the [packages] section, specify the index to use for those private wheels:


wheel1 = {version="*", index="some_logical_name"}
wheel2 = {version="0.41.1", index="some_logical_name"}
some_public_project = "*"

Again, you can explicitly name any of the named indices, including index="pypi". Not adding a index="..." restriction lets Pipenv search all indexes for possible distributions.




For binary wheels published outside of an index (such as those built by Christoph Gohlke), you could consider just installing the full wheel URL:

pipenv install https://download.lfd.uci.edu/pythonlibs/l8ulg3xw/aiohttp-3.3.2-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl

This does force everyone using your Pipfile to a specific platform.

This is an excellent response, and thank you for providing multiple options and examples. Minor side question, how did you get the download link from Gohlke's site? Trying to copy link path doesn't seem to work for me (I get ;)
– Brendan


I used the developer console; in the network tab a new entry appears when you click a link, as the browser asks where to save the file. I took the URL from that.
– Martijn Pieters

Perfect, thank you!
– Brendan

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