How can I make Apache rewrite not break an image?

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

How can I make Apache rewrite not break an image?

I have a very simple html page sitting at It consists solely of the following index.html:


<body style="background-color:black;">
<img src="images/picture1.jpg" alt="example" style="width:40%;">

The page loads exactly as expected when I go to, but I wanted to make it so any requests to are redirected to this front page (so takes a user to I added the following to .htaccess for this:


RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/
RewriteRule ^ / [R=301]

It redirects correctly, but it breaks the image. I believe this is happening because the request to is now being redirected to the index page, but I'm not sure what I need to add to my .htaccess to allow the blanket redirection to happen while still loading this image on the front page.

1 Answer

Add another RewriteCond saying that the rule only applies if the request doesn't point to an existing file.

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f


RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/
RewriteRule ^ / [R=301]


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