laravel : i am trying to get 2 relationships methods in 1 query

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laravel : i am trying to get 2 relationships methods in 1 query

what i am trying to do is getting my tvserious and movies from categories class

this is my categories class :

class Category extends Model

public function movies()
return $this->hasMany(Movie::class);

public function tvserious()
return $this->hasMany(Tvserious::class);

what i tried and it's working

public function CategoryClick($slug){

$media = Category::where('slugid',$slug)->with(['movies' => function($query) {
},'tvserious' => function($query) {

return view('test')->with([


the problem with this way is in my blade i have to create a loop for movies and tvserious and the tvserious data will always stay at the end at it will show after the movies loop ends

@foreach($catclick as $media)

@foreach($media->movies as $movie )

{{ $movie->title }}


@foreach($media->tvserious as $tvserious )

{{ $tvserious->title }}



so how can i get both of my movies and serious in my blade mixed together

i don't want all the movies to be at first so where is the problem and how can i fix this ?

1 Answer

You can use this code

$moviesCount = $media->movies->count();
$tvseriousCount = $media->tvserious->count();
$maxCount = ($tvseriousCount > $moviesCount) ? $tvseriousCount : $moviesCount;

@for ($index = 0; $index < $maxCount; $index++)

{{ $media->movies[$index]->title }}

{{ $media->tvserious[$index]->title }}


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