TCP close() vs shutdown() in Linux OS

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TCP close() vs shutdown() in Linux OS

I know there are already a lot similar questions in stackoverflow, but nothing seems convincing. Basically trying to understand under what circumstances I need to use one over the other or use both.
Also would like to understand if close() & shutdown() with shut_rdwr are the same.

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– shellter
Jan 11 at 13:50

3 Answers

TCP sockets are bidirectional - you send and receive over the one socket. close() stops communication in both directions. shutdown() provides another parameter that allows you to specify which direction you might want to stop using.

Another difference (between close() and shutdown(rw)) is that close() will keep the socket open if another process is using it, while shutdown() shuts down the socket irrespective of other processes.

shutdown() is often used by clients to provide framing - to indicate the end of their request, e.g. an echo service might buffer up what it receives until the client shutdown()s their send side, which tells the server that the client has finished, and the server then replies; the client can receive the reply because it has only shutdown() writing, not reading, through its socket.

Closing TCP connections has gathered so much confusion that we can rightfully say either this aspect of TCP has been poorly designed, or is lacking somewhere in documentation.

To do it the proper way, you should use all 3: shutdown(SHUT_WR), shutdown(SHUT_RD) and close(), in this order. No, shutdown(SHUT_RDWR) and close() are not the same. Read their documentation carefully and questions on SO and articles about it, you need to read more of them for an overview.






The first thing to clarify is what you aim for, when closing a connection. Presumably you use TCP for a higher lever protocol (request-response, steady stream of data etc.). Once you decide to "close" (terminate) connection, all you had to send/receive, you sent and received (otherwise you would not decide to terminate) - so what more do you want? I'm trying to outline what you may want at the time of termination:

Unfortunately TCP doesn't make these features easily available, and the user needs to understand what's under the hood and how the system calls interact with what's under the hood. A key sentence is in the recv manpage:


When a stream socket peer has performed an orderly shutdown, the
return value will be 0 (the traditional "end-of-file" return).

What the manpage means here is, graceful termination is done by one end (A) choosing to call shutdown(SHUT_WR), which causes a FIN packet to be sent to the peer (B), and this packet takes the form of a 0 return code from recv inside B. (Note: the FIN packet, being an implementation aspect, is not mentioned by the manpage). The "EOF" as the manpage calls it, means there will be no more transmission from A to B, but application B can, and should continue to send what it was in the process of sending, and even send some more, potentially (A is still receiving). When that sending is done (shortly), B should itself call shutdown(SHUT_WR) to close the other half of the duplex. Now app A receives EOF and all transmission has ceased. The two apps are OK to call shutdown(SHUT_RD) to close their sockets for reading and then close() to free system resources associated with the socket (TODO I haven't found clear documentation taht says the 2 calls to shutdown(SHUT_RD) are sending the ACKs in the termination sequence FIN --> ACK, FIN --> ACK, but this seems logical).






Close will close both send and receving end of socket.If you want only sending part of socket should be close not receving part or vice versa you can use shutdown.

close()------->will close both sending and receiving end.
shutdown()------->only want to close sending or receiving.
argument:SHUT_RD(shutdown reading end (receiving end))
SHUT_WR(shutdown writing end(sending end))
SHUT_RDWR(shutdown both)

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