Skip values from a list wrapped within quotation marks

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Skip values from a list wrapped within quotation marks

I've written a macro to get the individual value from a list. My intention is to skip those values wrapped with quotation marks. How can I do so?

I've written so far:

Sub dosth()
Dim post As Variant

For Each post In [{"1","'2'","3","'4'"}]
Debug.Print post
Next post
End Sub

Result it produces:


What I wish to have:


Can't find any idea to apply any conditional logic here. How can I achieve that?

1 Answer

Use a test of the ascii value. 39 is '.


Option Explicit

Sub dosth()
Dim elements As Variant, post As Variant
elements = [{"1","'2'","3","'4'"}]
For Each post In elements
If AscW(post) <> 39 Then Debug.Print post
Next post
End Sub

Similar idea

Option Explicit
Sub dosth()
Dim elements As Variant, post As Variant
elements = [{"1","'2'","3","'4'"}]
For Each post In elements
If Not Left$(post, 1) = Chr$(39) Then Debug.Print post
Next post
End Sub

You are incredible. Accept it when time is right. Btw, what is " connected to?
– asmitu
5 mins ago


you want to know what the code is for that? " is chr$(34)
– QHarr
3 mins ago

Yep it is. Still five minutes to accept.
– asmitu
1 min ago

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