Java Reflection make final method non final

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Java Reflection make final method non final

I know the way to make a Field non-final via Reflection. But is there a way to make a method non-final? Somehow the same approach does not work.


// make all methods non-final

Clazz.javaClass.declaredMethods.forEach { method ->
method.isAccessible = true
val modifiersField = method.javaClass.getDeclaredField("modifiers")
modifiersField.isAccessible = true
modifiersField.setInt(method, modifiersField.modifiers and Modifier.FINAL.inv())

Even if it were possible, what do you think that would help?
– Kayaman
Jan 10 at 16:06

Does that mean its not possible?
– Martin Mlostek
Jan 10 at 16:09

@martynmlostekk It is useless, unless you plan on creating a new class at runtime and load that class.
– Turing85
Jan 10 at 16:11

@Turing85 Well, let me decide if its useful or not (and yes, I am creating a copy of that class in runtime with modified accessibility). Possible or not, thats the question.
– Martin Mlostek
Jan 10 at 16:16

@martynmlostekk in this case, you may want to include this information in your question to avoid the XY-problem.
– Turing85
Jan 10 at 16:19

1 Answer

It's impossible because reflection just acts on the already compiled data.

You can't modify your compilation at runtime, because you aren't programming using a script language. We're talking about Java, and it is a compiled language, which require to be translated in a machine-simpler language that the JVM can interpret faster than the code itself.

You could just manage directly the bytecode of runtime, and this answer offers a good starting point.

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