Query in Room Database in Android Studio

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Query in Room Database in Android Studio

I have a list of notes in room database. I want to choose the list of specific notes depending on some characteristic. For this propose I add a second field note_second_id to a PrimaryKey:

@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
private long note_id;
private long note_second_id;

Then I create the next query:

@Query("SELECT * FROM " + Constants.TABLE_NAME_NOTE + " WHERE note_second_id = :second_id ")
List<Note> getNotes(long second_id);

When I want to add a new note I use:

long j = activityReference.get().dataBase.getNoteDao().insertNote(note);

where methods .setNote_id(), and setNote_second_id() look like:

public void setNote_id(long deck_id) {this.note_id = note_id; }
public void setNote_second_id(long notesecondid) {
this.note_second_id = notesecondid; }

and note000 is a constant:

Long note000 = 11111L;

And in the activity, where I want these list to be shown I write:

private class RetrieveTaskDeck extends AsyncTask<Void,Void,List<Deck>> {
private WeakReference<MainActivity> activityReference;
// only retain a weak reference to the activity
RetrieveTaskDeck(MainActivity context) {
activityReference = new WeakReference<>(context); }

protected List<Note> doInBackground(Void... voids) {
if (activityReference.get()!=null)
return activityReference.get().dataBase.getNotesDao().getNotes(note000);
return null; }

protected void onPostExecute(List<Note> notes) {
if (notes !=null && notes.size()>0 ){
// hides empty text view
activityReference.get().decksAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } } }

The problem is that this way does not work. It does not show any of the notes. Only when I use the query:

@Query("SELECT * FROM " + Constants.TABLE_NAME_NOTE)
List<Note> getAllNotes();



only then I get the list of all notes, which I have. But I need only some specially marked notes to be shown.

What is wrong and what can I do? It seems like something is wrong with query... Maybe someone, who had an experience working with room databes and queries for it, may give some advice...

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