Combine multiple lists inside a BindingSource

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Combine multiple lists inside a BindingSource

I'm using a BindingSource to gather up some DataGridViews on multiple database calls.



What I want to do is combined all the DataGridViews in the .List property of the BindingSource into one so I can use DataGridView.DataSource = BindingSource.




DataGridView.DataSource = BindingSource

I've tried the following, but it only binds the collection itself and not the .List properties.


BindingSource _bindingSource = new BindingSource();
while(<doing database calls>) {
// Populate _DataGridView with some a DB Call

_bindingSource.Add(_DataGridView); // Add _DataGridView to the _bindingSource
DataGrid.Datasource = _bindingSource;

What I want is something like this

// Populate _bindingSource with the .List property/or all the items within _bindingSource
DataGrid.Datasource = _bindingSource[0] + _bindingSource[1] + ..

1 Answer

DataSource is object.



So you will need to know more about the actual DS you are using; then you can (maybe using a suitable Cast<>) Concat (or Union) the various enumerations.




Let's look at a simple example using DataGridViews that are bound to DataTables :



var twoDataSources = ((DataTable)dataGridView1.DataSource).Select()

var twoDataSources = ((DataTable)dataGridView1.DataSource).Select()

The first example contains each row in each table; the seconds contains all unique rows.

If you need more help please add the actual code that creates the datasources. (Of course they would have to be field-compatible..)

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