Gunicorn sever can not start in Ubuntu

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Gunicorn sever can not start in Ubuntu

I am deploying a flask project with Nginx, Gunicorn and Ubuntu Linux server. Currently, I have already done something and the server can be started manually with the command

gunicorn -w 4 -b run:app

Followings is the content of nginx.conf

user www www;
worker_processes 2;
error_log /usr/local/webserver/nginx/logs/nginx_error.log crit;
pid /usr/local/webserver/nginx/;
#Specifies the value for maximum file descriptors that can be opened by this process.
worker_rlimit_nofile 65535;
use epoll;
worker_connections 65535;
include mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;
log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
'$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
'"$http_user_agent" $http_x_forwarded_for';

#charset gb2312;

# server_names_hash_bucket_size 128;
# client_header_buffer_size 32k;
# large_client_header_buffers 4 32k;
# client_max_body_size 8m;

sendfile on;
tcp_nopush on;
keepalive_timeout 60;
tcp_nodelay on;
fastcgi_connect_timeout 60 ;
fastcgi_send_timeout 60;
fastcgi_read_timeout 60;
fastcgi_buffer_size 128k;
fastcgi_buffers 8 128k;
fastcgi_busy_buffers_size 128k;
fastcgi_temp_file_write_size 128k;
gzip on;
gzip_min_length 1k;
gzip_buffers 4 16k;
gzip_http_version 1.0;
gzip_comp_level 2;
gzip_types text/plain application/x-javascript text/css application/xml;
gzip_vary on;

limit_zone crawler $binary_remote_addr 10m;
server {
listen 80;
index index.html index.htm index.php;
location / {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;


If I just start with gunicorn -w 4 -b run:app, the website can only be available for a while, and then if I try to access to the website with DNS, it showed to me 504 Error.

To fix the issue, I am trying to make the Gunicorn start automatic. So I created a file named School.service in /etc/systemd/system/
Contents of the file is shown as followings:



Description=Gunicorn instance to serve Flasky

ExecStart=/home/schoolproject/www/nginx-1.6.3/venv/bin/School/Code gunicorn -w 4 -b run:app


School is the fold of the project, and is the execution file, argus is "app". After I start the service by

systemctl daemon-reload School
systemctl start School

Then I checked the status of the service by

systemctl status School

It shows me that:

> School.service - Gunicorn instance to serve Flasky Loaded: loaded
> (/etc/systemd/system/School.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
> Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Wed 2018-07-25 19:06:48 UTC;
> 23s ago Process: 34291
> ExecStart=/home/schoolproject/www/nginx-1.6.3/venv/bin/School/Code
> gunicorn -w 4 -b run:app (code=exited, status=203/EXEC)
> Main PID: 34291 (code=exited, status=203/EXEC)
> CPU: 740us
> Jul 25 19:06:48 School systemd[1]: Started Gunicorn instance to serve
> Flasky. Jul 25 19:06:48 School systemd[34291]: School.service: Failed
> at step EXEC spawning
> /home/schoolproject/www/nginx-1.6.3/venv/bin/School/Code: Permission
> denied Jul 25 19:06:48 School systemd[1]: School.service: Main process
> exited, code=exited, status=203/EXEC Jul 25 19:06:48 School
> systemd[1]: School.service: Unit entered failed state. Jul 25 19:06:48
> School systemd[1]: School.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

The error is permission denied, but I have already make the user "www" as the owner of the folder /home/schoolproject/.
enter image description here
I do not know how to do next to fix the issue.
Anyone are give me a hand?


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