Is there a more efficient way to filter this array of objects?

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Is there a more efficient way to filter this array of objects?

I'm working with this array of objects and I try to filter and reorder it based on matching subjects. The array looks somewhat like this:

const results = [
{id: 1, subject: 'biology', grade: 10},
{id: 2, subject: 'biology', grade: 3},
{id: 3, subject: 'math', grade: 4},
{id: 4, subject: 'biology', grade: 2},
{id: 5, subject: 'geography', grade: 1},
{id: 6, subject: 'physics', grade: 3}

It's likely there will be added more subjects in the future.
With an over-abundant filtering method, I can arrange them the way I want:

var filteredObj = {};

filteredObj['biology'] = this.results.filter(function (result) {
return result.subject === 'biology';
filteredObj['math'] = this.results.filter(function (result) {
return result.subject === 'math';
filteredObj['physics'] = this.results.filter(function (result) {
return result.subject === 'physics';
filteredObj['geography'] = this.results.filter(function (result) {
return result.subject === 'geography';

Is there a way more efficient way of doing this?

Array is not a key-value store... filteredArray['biology'] looks incorrect to me.
– Kosh Very


Also, just an FYI, var filteredArray = ; is not an array, it's actually an object if you're defining properties like filteredArray['biology'].
– FrankerZ

var filteredArray = ;


@isherwood I'll take note. Dire need got the upper hand this time.
– Wes

3 Answers

You can use Array.reduce() to group the items by subject:


const results = [{"id":1,"subject":"biology","grade":10},{"id":2,"subject":"biology","grade":3},{"id":3,"subject":"math","grade":4},{"id":4,"subject":"biology","grade":2},{"id":5,"subject":"geography","grade":1},{"id":6,"subject":"physics","grade":3}];

const grouped = results.reduce((r, o) => {
r[o.subject] = r[o.subject] || ;


return r;
}, Object.create(null));


And it's easy to create a more generic groupBy function:


const groupBy = (prop, arr) => arr.reduce((r, o) => {
r[o[prop]] = r[o[prop]] || ;


return r;
}, Object.create(null));

const results = [{"id":1,"subject":"biology","grade":10},{"id":2,"subject":"biology","grade":3},{"id":3,"subject":"math","grade":4},{"id":4,"subject":"biology","grade":2},{"id":5,"subject":"geography","grade":1},{"id":6,"subject":"physics","grade":3}];

const grouped = groupBy('subject', results);


Why do you use Object.create(null) instead of {}?
– FrankerZ



@FrankerZ It creates an empty object without prototype, and it prevents this statement - r[o.subject] || from not initializing an array because the subject's name is toString, for example. In this case it's probably not necessary, but it's a good precaution.
– Ori Drori

r[o.subject] ||


Returning a prototype-less object also means it has none of the methods one would expect on an objects. For example grouped.hasOwnProperty('biology') is a (potentially surprising) TypeError.
– Mark Meyer


@MarkMeyer - indeed. So it depends on what is the content you are trying to group, and what you'll use the object for.
– Ori Drori

@MarkMeyer - a better option is to actually use a Map, and avoid these problems altogether.
– Ori Drori

Try reduce:

const results = [
{id: 1, subject: 'biology', grade: 10},
{id: 2, subject: 'biology', grade: 3},
{id: 3, subject: 'math', grade: 4},
{id: 4, subject: 'biology', grade: 2},
{id: 5, subject: 'geography', grade: 1},
{id: 6, subject: 'physics', grade: 3}

const filteredArray = results.reduce((obj, item) => {
if (typeof obj[item.subject] === 'undefined') {
obj[item.subject] = [item];
} else {

return obj;
}, {});


With fancy es6 maps:

const results = [
{id: 1, subject: 'biology', grade: 10},
{id: 2, subject: 'biology', grade: 3},
{id: 3, subject: 'math', grade: 4},
{id: 4, subject: 'biology', grade: 2},
{id: 5, subject: 'geography', grade: 1},
{id: 6, subject: 'physics', grade: 3}

const filteredArray = results.reduce((obj, item) => {
const val = obj.get(item.subject) || ;

obj.set(item.subject, val);

return obj;
}, new Map());

for (const [subj, val] of filteredArray) {
console.log(subj, val.length);
// console.log(JSON.stringify([...filteredArray]));

Using .map() to group an array of objects based of one of its properties:


const results = [{ id: 1, subject: 'biology', grade: 10 },
{ id: 2, subject: 'biology', grade: 3 },
{ id: 3, subject: 'math', grade: 4 },
{ id: 4, subject: 'biology', grade: 2 },
{ id: 5, subject: 'geography', grade: 1 },
{ id: 6, subject: 'physics', grade: 3 }

var filtered = {};, i) => {
if (!(o.subject in filtered)) filtered[o.subject] = ;


In this case, I prefer this way instead of .reduce() because the concept is more neat, if a property doesn't exist we create it in a new object, if is already created in the new object, we add the element.


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