Fabric Crashlytics Beta deploy fails: Project is inactive

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Fabric Crashlytics Beta deploy fails: Project is inactive

I am having a react-native app with the bundle com.name.dev.app. I added Fabric/Crashlytics to both iOS and Android and use Fabric Crashlytics Beta for internal distribution. I see both Apps in the Fabric dashboard and when building a release build I can see the crashes in the respective apps's dashboard. This worked for about 7 days.

Now, when trying to upload an APK to Beta via the Android Studio Fabric Plugin or via our Fastlane CI Pipeline, I am getting an error saying:

WARN - Crashlytics had a problem uploading the distribution. Project applicationname is inactive
Exception in thread "main" com.crashlytics.tools.android.exception.PluginException: Distribution upload failed.
at com.crashlytics.tools.android.DeveloperTools.processProperties(DeveloperTools.java:667)
at com.crashlytics.tools.android.DeveloperTools.processArgsInternal(DeveloperTools.java:348)
at com.crashlytics.tools.android.DeveloperTools.main(DeveloperTools.java:273)
Caused by: com.crashlytics.tools.android.exception.DistributionException: Crashlytics halted compilation because it had a problem uploading the distribution.Project applicationname is inactive
at com.crashlytics.tools.android.DistributionTasks.uploadDistribution(DistributionTasks.java:91)
at com.crashlytics.tools.android.DeveloperTools.processProperties(DeveloperTools.java:665)
... 2 more

I removed the Android app from Fabric and tried to recreate it. That failed, so I had to reach out to Crashlytics via Twitter and someone was so kind and manually re-activated the app again for Android. Crash collection still works on both platform and uploading new IPA files to the iOS is flawless. But I cannot upload an APK to the Android app.

I am a bit clueless. The project ist kind of active as it receives crashes but doesn't allow me to add APK to Beta.

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