CodeIgniter, Ajax… How to use insert_id()

The name of the picture

CodeIgniter, Ajax… How to use insert_id()

Excuse my English, I hope you can understand my question...

In my program, when you submit a new record to the database (MySQL) using a modal+form, it is drawn in a data table without refreshing or recharging the actual page, it's appended dynamically.

What I need to do is, in every new record, draw/append the data AND 2 buttons (1 for deleting that record and 1 for updating it) with the ID of the new data.

I read I can use insert_id() to get the last inserted id, but I don't know how to use it and how to work with the result in my Ajax call.

Any hint, please? I'm pretty new to programming.

Thanks for your time.

I need the data I introduced in the modal/form (for that I was using .serialize()) AND the ID generated in the DB...
I don't know how to use the model/controller returned ID info.

I have this in my controller:

public function nuevo_elemento_diccionario()

// Validation rules that I deleted for this post
if ($this->form_validation->run() === FALSE)
$this->load->view("vista_nuevo_elemento_diccionario", $datos);
$last_id = $this->mod_diccionarios->nuevo_elemento_diccionario();
echo json_encode(array('last_id' => $last_id));


public function nuevo_elemento_diccionario()
$datos = array(
'ELDI_Key' => $this->input->post('eldi_key'),
'ELDI_Display' => $this->input->post('eldi_display'),
'ELDI_SuDiccionario' => $this->input->post('eldi_sudiccionario'),
$this->db->insert('elementos_diccionario', $datos);
/* $ultima_id = $this->db->insert_id();*/
$last_id = $this->db->insert_id();
return $last_id;

Javascript/Ajax (where you see var key = $('input[name="eldi_key"]').val(); and using it, is where I need to use the ID to use the new ID for delete and update clicking the generated buttons):

function nuevo_elemento()
var id =$('input[name="eldi_id"]').val();
var display = $('input[name="eldi_display"]').val();
var key = $('input[name="eldi_key"]').val();
key = key.split(" ").join("_").toLowerCase();

title: 'Añadir elemento',
text: "¿Quieres añadir este elemento?",
type: 'warning',
showCancelButton: true,
confirmButtonColor: '#3085d6',
cancelButtonColor: '#d33',
confirmButtonText: 'Sí',
cancelButtonText: 'No'
}).then((result) => {
if (result.value) {
type: "POST",
url: $("#base_url").attr("valor") +
data: $("#formNuevoElementoDiccionario").serialize(),
success: function(data) {


var html =
'<td>' + key + '</td>' +
'<td>'+ display +'</td>'+
'<span class="btn btn-default editar_elemento"
id=' + key + ' value="' + key + '">' +
'<a href="'+$("#base_url").attr("valor") +
"diccionarios/elemento_diccionario/"+key+'" title="Editar">' +
'<i class="material-icons">edit</i>' +
'</a>' +
'</span>' +
'</td>' +
'<td>' +
'<span class="btn btn-default borrar_elemento"
id="'+ key +'" value="'+ key +'">'+
'<i class="material-

swal("Añadido", "Elemento añadido correctamente",

error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
console.log("Error: " + textStatus);

You can add last update data to display records with inserted id.
– C2486
8 hours ago

there are literally so many ways of doing this it is impossible to know which one would work for you. please share your code and read
– Alex
8 hours ago

I edited my question, hope it's more clear now... sorry guys
– Nira
7 hours ago

$ret = $this->db->insert_id(); return $ret; try this in the model
– GGw
7 hours ago

$ret = $this->db->insert_id(); return $ret;

I edited again with code and with this -> I need the data I introduced in the modal/form (for that I was using .serialize()) AND the ID generated in the DB...
– Nira
5 hours ago

1 Answer

You can use insert_id() only after inserting data to DB. If you need user last id in controller or js try this:

public function nuevo_elemento_diccionario()
$datos = array(
'ELDI_Key' => $this->input->post('eldi_key'),
'ELDI_Display' => $this->input->post('eldi_display'),
'ELDI_SuDiccionario' => $this->input->post('eldi_sudiccionario'),
$this->db->insert('elementos_diccionario', $datos);
$ultima_id = $this->db->insert_id();
return $ultima_id;

Then you can use json_encode() for return data to js in Controller:

public function nuevo_elemento_diccionario()

// Validation rules that I deleted for this post
if ($this->form_validation->run() === FALSE)
$this->load->view("vista_nuevo_elemento_diccionario", $datos);
$last_id = $this->mod_diccionarios->nuevo_elemento_diccionario();
echo json_encode(array('last_id' => $last_id));
// i`m not sure that you need to use redirect

In you js edit success function:

success: function(data) {
var result = JSON.parse(data);
var insert_id = result.insert_id;

I can't make it work... How do I use the id in ajax? using insert_id variable instead of $key?
– Nira
6 hours ago

I edited again with this -> I need the data I introduced in the modal/form (for that I was using .serialize()) AND the ID generated in the DB...
– Nira
5 hours ago

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