Ruby Email validation with regex
I have a large list of emails I am running through. A lot of the emails have typos. I am trying to build a string that will check valid emails.
this is what I have for regex.
def is_a_valid_email?(email)
(email =~ /^(([A-Za-z0-9]*.+*_+)|([A-Za-z0-9]+-+)|([A-Za-z0-9]++)|([A-Za-z0-9]++))*[A-Za-z0-9]+@{1}((w+-+)|(w+.))*w{1,63}.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$/i)
It passes if an email as underscores and only one period. I have a lot of emails that have more then one periods in the name itself. How do I check that in regex. # <~~ valid # <~~~ not valid # <~~~valid # <~~ not valid
get_at_m.e@gmail #<~~ valid
Can someone help me rewrite my regex ?
9 Answers
VALID_EMAIL_REGEX = /A[w+-.]+@[a-zd-]+(.[a-zd-]+)*.[a-z]+z/i
You seem to be complicating things a lot, I would simply use:
VALID_EMAIL_REGEX = /A[w+-.]+@[a-zd-]+(.[a-z]+)*.[a-z]+z/i
which is taken from michael hartl's rails book
since this doesn't meet your dot requirement it can simply be ammended like so:
VALID_EMAIL_REGEX = /A([w+-].?)+@[a-zd-]+(.[a-z]+)*.[a-z]+z/i
As mentioned by CAustin, there are many other solutions.
it was pointed out by @installero that the original fails for subdomains with hyphens in them, this version will work (not sure why the character class was missing digits and hyphens in the first place).
VALID_EMAIL_REGEX = /A[w+-.]+@[a-zd-]+(.[a-zd-]+)*.[a-z]+z/i
Here's a great article by David Celis explaining why every single regular expression you can find for validating email addresses is wrong, including the ones above posted by Mike.
From the article:
The local string (the part of the email address that comes before the
@) can contain the following characters:
`! $ & * - = ` ^ | ~ # % ' + / ? _ { }`
But guess what? You can use
pretty much any character you want if you escape it by surrounding it
in quotes. For example, "Look at all these spaces!" is a
valid email address. Nice.
If you need to do a basic check, the best regular expression is simply /@/
This one is more short and safe:
The regular is used in Devise gem.
But it has some vulnerabilities for these values:
I prefer to use regexp from the ruby library URI::MailTo::EMAIL_REGEXP
There is a gem for email validations
Email Validator
This has been built into the standard library since at least 2.2.1
'aa@aaa' =~ URI::MailTo::EMAIL_REGEXP
Nowadays Ruby provides an email validation regexp in its standard library. You can find it in the URI::MailTo
module, it's URI::MailTo::EMAIL_REGEXP
In Ruby 2.4.1 it evaluates to
But I'd just use the constant itself.
I guess the example from the book can be improved to match emails with -
in subdomain.
VALID_EMAIL_REGEX = /A[w+-.]+@[a-zd-]+(.[a-zd-]+)*.[a-z]+z/i
For example:
=> 0
Yours is complicated indeed.
VALID_EMAIL_REGEX = /A[w+-.]+@[a-zd-.]+.[a-z]+z/i
The above code should suffice.
Explanation of each piece of the expression above for clarification:
Start of regex:
Match the start of a string:
At least one word character, plus, hyphen, or dot:
A literal "at sign":
A literal dot:
At least one letter:
Match the end of a string:
End of regex:
Case insensitive:
Putting it back together again:
Check out Rubular to conveniently test your expressions as you write them.
try this!!!
only email string selected
"Robert Donhan" <>sadfadf
Robert Donhan <>
"Robert Donhan" abc.bob@email.comasdfadf
Robert Donhan bob@email.comadfd
This works good for me:
if email.match?('[a-z0-9]+[_a-z0-9.-]*[a-z0-9]+@[a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-]+)*(.[a-z]{2,4})')
puts 'matches!'
puts 'it doesn't match!'
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Possible duplicate of…
– CAustin
Apr 10 '14 at 16:43