JWT authorization in nuxt.js

The name of the picture

JWT authorization in nuxt.js

I have a problem with authorization via JWT using nuxt. I want to restrict access to specific routes for users that don't have JWT token. The most proper place to check authorization in nuxt is middleware, but I can not access localStorage inside of it. I tried to set mode: "spa" in nuxt.config.js and to check if (process.browser) condition in middleware to get access to localStorage in middleware, but this condition is false for every request. So, are there any options to check JWT token existance in middleware? Should I store JWT token in localStorage? If not, where should I store it?

mode: "spa"

if (process.browser)

1 Answer

First you need to use process.client instead of process.browser to check if its a client or not. See docs here



isClient Boolean Client & Server Boolean to let you know if you're
actually renderer from the client-side (deprecated. use

Second if u set mode: spa it always will be true, so this check only makes sense in universal mode.

mode: spa

Third you can store token both in localstorage and cookie, thats how nuxt-auth module is done. Take a loot at it, probably u will be able to use it instead of writing your own implementation, or at least you will have some ideas how its implemented

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