localStorage + jQuery autosave and load p

The name of the picture

localStorage + jQuery autosave and load p

I have a code:

$(document).ready(function() {
var count = 1;

$("button").click(function() {
var inputVal = $('input').val();
$('div').append("<p>"+ inputVal +"</p>");
localStorage.setItem('pvalue'+count, inputVal);
$("input").replaceWith("<input id='num_" + count++ +"'/>");

var local = localStorage.getItem("pvalue"+ count);
$('div').append("<p>"+ local +"</p>");


This code saves all values of input but shows only first. I dont know how to display all saved p tags after refresh, can anybody help me?


<div class='mt-5 text-center'>
<input> <button>Add</button>

<script src='script.js'></script>

1 Answer

The issue is due to your use of the count variable. This is fine when setting the data, however when re-loading it count will be set back to 1 and you won't explicitly know how many entries you've saved.




A much better idea would be to store an array in localStorage which you can easily add to and retrieve. Try this:

$(document).ready(function() {
$("button").click(function() {
var inputVal = $('input').val();
$('div').append("<p>" + inputVal + "</p>");

var pValues = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('pvalue')) || ;
localStorage.setItem('pvalue', JSON.stringify(pValues));

var pValues = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('pvalue')) || ;
var html = pValues.map(function(local) {
return '<p>' + local + '</p>';

wow, thank you a lot
– Rouzy
6 hours ago

No problem, glad to help. If you need it, here's a working example in a fiddle as SO doesn't allow localStorage access in snippets: jsfiddle.net/RoryMcCrossan/8q6ewbgL
– Rory McCrossan
6 hours ago

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