How to generate UUID with angular 2?

The name of the picture

How to generate UUID with angular 2?

I'm using Angular 2 for a signup form:
first name, last name, email and password.

After submit, the data is being stored via API call in a database (nodeJs and mongo) and generates a JWT Token which is sent back to the client.

Now I should add/generate an UUID (Universal Unique Identifier). As I never have done this kind of feature before, I need an approach and idea/solution how to achieve this... would the JWT Token be a kind of alternative to UUID? If yes, this would be enough.

Otherwise I would prefer to avoid any big changes on the form or its functionality.

I Have been searching, but didn't find a useful solution. I tried the npm package angular2-uuid, but after installing it as dependency, the ng build -prod throws an error which isn't clear.


ng build -prod

import { UUID } from 'angular2-uuid';
let uuid = UUID.UUID();


ERROR in ./~/@angular/flex-layout/@angular/flex-layout.es5.js Module
build failed: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open
layout/@angular/flex-layout.es5.js' @
./src/$$_gendir/app/app.module.ngfactory.ts 25:0-44 @ ./src/main.ts @
multi webpack-dev-server/client?http://localhost:4200 ./src/main.ts

Any idea or Hint please?

throws an error which isn't clear ... Any idea or Hint please? Hint: what's the error?
– Darren Sweeney
Aug 18 '17 at 10:55

throws an error which isn't clear

Any idea or Hint please?

@DarrenSweeney: Yes, you are right. sorry. here is the errror:ERROR in ./~/@angular/flex-layout/@angular/flex-layout.es5.js Module build failed: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/username/dev/app/node_modules/@angular/flex-layout/@angular/flex-layout.es5.js' @ ./src/$$_gendir/app/app.module.ngfactory.ts 25:0-44 @ ./src/main.ts @ multi webpack-dev-server/client?http://localhost:4200 ./src/main.ts The error has actually nothing to do with the installed UUID. When I uninstall it, then the error goes.
– k.vincent
Aug 18 '17 at 12:17

ERROR in ./~/@angular/flex-layout/@angular/flex-layout.es5.js Module build failed: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/username/dev/app/node_modules/@angular/flex-layout/@angular/flex-layout.es5.js' @ ./src/$$_gendir/app/app.module.ngfactory.ts 25:0-44 @ ./src/main.ts @ multi webpack-dev-server/client?http://localhost:4200 ./src/main.ts


3 Answers

It is part of Angular, use it like:

import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid';

export class AppComponent {

console.log('new uid: ', uuid());

Thanks man, it works!! I've created a demo here, for future readers. Not sure if it's part of angular though, I think this package is being used.
– cyberpirate92
Jan 11 at 12:54

Make sure to run npm install --save @types/uuid before execution.
– Menelaos Kotsollaris
May 1 at 17:41

npm install --save @types/uuid

try this (

As the doc say :

import { UuidService } from 'angular2-uuid';

constructor(private uuid: UuidService) //<-- pass it in contructor as service

const uuid = this.uuid.generate(); //<-- use it

Hope it helps you! you can see it changed a little bit from what it report here (

Error: [ts] Module '"/Users/username/dev/app/node_modules/angular2-uuid/index"' has no exported member 'UuidService'.
– k.vincent
Aug 18 '17 at 12:24

[ts] Module '"/Users/username/dev/app/node_modules/angular2-uuid/index"' has no exported member 'UuidService'.

Mm try to ad it to your providers
– federico scamuzzi
Aug 18 '17 at 12:25

In add.module.ts? This is what I was thinking about. I'll give it a try.
– k.vincent
Aug 18 '17 at 12:27


Same error... ...has no exported memebr
– k.vincent
Aug 18 '17 at 12:33

...has no exported memebr

hi .. can you check if in the node_modules/angular2-uuid there is a index.d.ts file?
– federico scamuzzi
Aug 19 '17 at 10:11

Issue fixed. Solution: I found out that when I did install the package angular2-uuid via command-line, it was automatically stored in package.json directly before/over the package: @angular/flex-layout.




As the error was in a way not clear, I just did remove it to other position in the: package.json and the error is gone. everything works fine.


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