Find how many times an adjacent repeated characters happened in each string using Python [on hold]

The name of the picture

Find how many times an adjacent repeated characters happened in each string using Python [on hold]

It's common to see adjacent repeated characters in online chat. In this problem, I would like to find how many consecutive contiguous characters occur in each word such as:

Hello = 2

For illustration I do not have any code at this moment to put with this question, I am still trying to find solution.
Using Python if any one have an answer coding or using the regular expressions that would be great.

I hope the problem is clear, if thara is any thing not clear please leave a comment about it and I will edit the question again.
Thank you

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

I can feel frustration right now, but we're sorry, this question is off-topic for this site.
– Jean-François Fabre

The last part of your comment was enough to deliver the information. There was no need for the first two sentences.
– Azz

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