Not getting the link in deeplinking

The name of the picture

Not getting the link in deeplinking

I am implementing the deeplinking in my app.

I have enable the associated domain and has mark the domain entry.

Server has put the association file at the root level.

For example associated Domain is "" my app url schema is testSchema.

When user click on link my app is getting open , but in

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
openURL:(NSURL *)url

sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication

method I am getting url as testSchema://. What could be the reason. I should get the url as ""

no need to set app url schema, remove that.
– vivekDas
6 hours ago

Unless and until testSchema://... url is hit, your app won't open. is hitting testSchema:// internally.
– Sanket Bhavsar
6 hours ago

Enable the associated domain and mark the domain entry that is enough remove your testSchema settings from plist.
– vivekDas
6 hours ago

If i remove that. App is not getting launch.
– aashish nagar
5 hours ago

what's wrong if you get testSchema:// instead of https://?
– Sanket Bhavsar
4 hours ago

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