Generate number sequence with step size in linq

The name of the picture

Generate number sequence with step size in linq

I need to generate a sequence of numbers using C# linq. Here is how I have done it using for loop.

int startingValue = 1;
int endValue = 13;
int increment = 5;
for (int i = startingValue; i <= endValue; i += increment) {

check this article on generating sequence numbers in LINQ
– Karthik Chintala
6 hours ago

Replace Console.WriteLine(i) with yield return i and wrap it in a method that returns an IEnumerable<int> and you're done. Iterator methods are nice like that.
– Jeroen Mostert
6 hours ago


yield return i


Where does this 'need' come from? homework requirements? Otherwise, it's probably better to stick to your approach.
– vc 74
6 hours ago

4 Answers

If you want to mimic your procedural code, you can use TakeWhile:

Enumerable.Range(0, int.MaxValue).
Select(i => startValue + (i * increment)).
TakeWhile(i => i <= endValue);

But this is to my opinion worse in terms of performance and readability.

@Ofir Winegarten, thanks
– vc 74
6 hours ago

Not everthing has to be done in LINQ to be usasable like Linq, you can stick very close to your original:

IEnumerable<int> CustomSequence(int startingValue = 1, int endValue = 13, int increment = 5)
for (int i = startingValue; i <= endValue; i += increment)
yield return i;

Call it like

var numbers = CustomSequence();

or do any further LINQ on it:

var firstTenEvenNumbers = CustomSequence().Where(n => n % 2 == 0).Take(1).ToList();

Try Enumerable.Range in order to emulate for loop:


int startingValue = 1;
int endValue = 13;
int increment = 5;

var result = Enumerable
.Range(0, (endValue - startingValue) / increment + 1)
.Select(i => startingValue + increment * i);

Console.Write(string.Join(", ", result));


1, 6, 11

Seems wasteful but the best I can think of is something like this:

int startingValue = 1;
int endValue = 13;
int increment = 5;
var sequence = Enumerable.Range(startingValue,(endingValue-startingValue)+1)
.Where(i=>i%increment == startingValue%increment);

Which is hopefully easy to follow. Logically, all of the values produced by your for loop are congruent to the startingValue modulo increment. So we just generate all of the numbers between startingValue and endingValue (inclusive) and then filter them based on that observation.






@mjwills - true, fixed
– Damien_The_Unbeliever
6 hours ago

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