how to use params in spring security antmatchers

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how to use params in spring security antmatchers

How should I use parameters like this in antmatchers in spring ?
I have many URLs that start with /sUrl and have different params.
This Code doesn't work!


Sorry...I am using spring security 4
– faraa
6 hours ago

No, I think it can't help.I want a guide to how to use parameters in matching... like this part:?params={url...
– faraa
5 hours ago

I belive you can use regular expressions. You may try to write your params section as a regular expression pattern. It's probably the way it is supposed to be
– avi.elkharrat
5 hours ago

Possible duplicate of Spring-security cannot match "?parameter" format?
– dur
5 hours ago

@dur, Granted, but the versions have changed so much since that an update is most welcome!
– avi.elkharrat
5 hours ago

1 Answer

You can probably solve your problem using regExMatcher


See HttpSecurity regExMatcher method for more details.

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